one picture that our photographer had online =]

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trip HOME! =]

So, a few weeks ago, Ben & I took a little trip down to California. It really was such a great trip. We were able to spend time with those we love and just relax for the first time in a while. Great company, great food and great weather are three things I LOVE! Here are a few of the highlights from the week.

Day 1 was pretty busy. Ben & I got up early Saturday morning (like 5 am) to get to the airport. We arrived in California at about 7:20, where we met up with mom and Juli. We stopped by David & Tessa's apartment to say hi, then went home, said hi to everyone else and relaxed for a little. A little later that day, we went to the temple to see a friend of mine get sealed to his wife and daughter. It was really awesome to be a part of their special day. After the temple, we met some of the family at Vinces and had dinner. Here are some pictures from that night.

Mom & Pop

Tabby & Austin

Taylor & Carter

Juli, Me, Logan & Ben

Chad, Melanie & Carter (Carter really likes to pose)


Ben & Logan (Ben knows how to relate to the kids..)

Day 2 was Easter, so of course it was busy! Taylor & Tabatha blessed baby Tanner since everyone was home for the holiday. It was fun to have everyone together at church again. After church, slowly but surely everyone came over to Mom & Dad's house to hunt for Easter eggs outside and Easter baskets inside. (Ben was the lucky hider of the Easter baskets). I don't have a ton of pictures from Sunday, since everyone else in my family has a billion, but here are the few that I do have.

So my parents hat this huge blow-up ball thing that the kids go inside and get rolled around in. Ben went really fast, so Troy really liked it..

And then Ben wanted a turn..

Carter...always posing for the camera.

Can you tell Austin was crying? I was trying to distract him. He still said "cheese!"

Day 3 was pretty chill. I think we celebrated Chad & Tessa's birthdays, so everyone was over once again. It's always busy at home..haha. Once again, not too many pictures - whoops!

The boys outside playing with their new balls that Tabby & Taylor got them for Easter.

Day 4 was Tuesday, which was Chad & Melanie's last full day in California. Ben & I went with them to the beach, and they even went in the water, even though it was a pretty chilly afternoon. Afterwards, we met up with David & Tessa and went to BJ's for dinner. Fun fun!

Melanie, Chad & Ben in the water...crazy!

I think they like each other.

Tessa, Melanie & Chad at BJ's!

David, Ben & I!

So, I have no idea what went on the next day. I don't have any pictures from that day, and since it was a couple weeks ago, I can't even think of what we did. I can remember my parents taking Chad & Melanie to the airport, but I can't remember much other than that. Oh yeah, I think this was the day we went to get some yogurt with Danny & Errin & Juli. We saw some crazy lady riding a bike who wasn't very coordinated...tipsy?? Haha!

Day 6 was pretty chill again. I think we did a little shopping, a little relaxing, and of course a little eating. We went to La Tolteca to get some yummy Mexican food, one of my favorite stops at home!

Danny, Errin & Juli at dinner!

Ben & the parentals...I think sometimes they like him more than me. =]

Friday was our last day in California, so we spent it mostly at home, visiting with everyone who came over to see us off. Here are some pictures from that night!

Baby Khloe!

She's cute..

The boys trying to get together to take a picture..

Mostly smiling...I guess?

I guess for 4 crazy boys, this is a pretty good picture. Even Austin is saying cheese...pretty intensely, I might add.

Oh they love me!

So the week at home was really fun. I loved being surrounded by my family and being able to spend time with everyone, especially the kids. They are so fun to play with, and keep things entertaining. I'm excited to go back home in July to see everyone, even if it's just for a short weekend. I love my family!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday was the 1 year mark of the best day of my life.
I married this handsome guy...

for time & all eternity.

What a lucky girl I am =]
And what an amazing year we've had!