So, I'm bored from studying and don't feel like getting up to shower yet, so I thought I would put up some pictures. We went up to Ben's parents for Easter, which was pretty fun. We hadn't been up there in a while and it was really nice to see everyone and be able to spend time with family again. Anyway, here are some pictures of that day. The pictures are limited because my camera was dying even though I rarely use it. Don't's all charged up now!
The two girls in their way cool sunglasses.
Ben & I - doesn't he look so cute? Like he actually likes me or something..
Layla in her bunny mask - she tried to eat it.
Sophia finding eggs in the egg hunt. Don't worry, Ben & I found lots of candy too.
Layla went ahead and started the egg hunt early, found her own candy and managed to get a hole in the candy so she could taste it. Impressed? You should be.