So, I'm way past due for a blog post. I mean, we live in Canada...I need to make a record of our adventure up here! Anyway, here's my catch up. It might take a couple posts.
Ben made it through Semester 1. He studied...a lot. And was gone...a lot. But it was OK, since I was working and gone a lot too. Yes, my job was at the Walmart Portrait Studio (I will never live that down), but it helped pay the bills, and made life WAY less stressful, so I can't complain.
Once Ben was on break, we headed to California for Christmas. I went down a week early in hopes to be less of a bother to Ben while he took finals (which was a bust, since he finished finals a week early anyway) and to allow me time to go crazy with my mom and not feel bad about it...and I did just that. By the end of the week, I missed Ben way too much, but got my full dose of the crazy, obnoxious, stress-less Ben within a few hours of him arriving, and felt like I needed a break from him! Haha. Oh husbands.
Anyway, on to our trip. I think we had just about all of the problems we could have had while traveling to and fro. To start, my checked baggage didn't make it onto my plane, so I was stuck without ANY of my clothes until 11 o'clock that night (and I got in around noon). After waking up at 4 (midnight - Cali time), spending all day traveling (with no makeup), trying to get some snoozing in, and running through the airport to catch my connection, I definitely felt gross by the time I got to Cali. And not being able to shower and put fresh clothes on just about pushed me over the edge. I have OCD when it comes to being and feeling clean, and taking a shower just to put dirty clothes back on is one of the most disgusting things to me, so I was pretty much out of luck. I still managed to go out and eat with Jennette (she was pregnant, so I had to make an exception), where we got some Japanese food.
The next night, most of the family got together to eat at Vince's (a tradition), followed by seeing some Christmas lights. It was fun to walk around and see all the houses, and especially watch all the kids enjoying it. And only having to wear one sweater/jacket was a pretty huge bonus also!
The next day was Matthew's 1st Birthday party. And Errin (and Danny) went all out! Here are some pictures of the cuteness (and craziness) =]
Here are some other funny/random pictures of the week before Ben arrived.
Sammy dweebing. It's genetic.
Jo. El. As Ben likes to call him.
Matthew. Always doing something.
He loved the huge tree that we got. And it was a process getting that thing. Dad wasn't settling for anything less that 10 feet. Crazy man.
My favorite picture.
These boys don't know how to keep their clothes on, so I told them they had to swing their jackets around if they wanted to strip for us. Annnnnd they did. It was hilarious.
Well, there's plenty more to share from our trip (and everything since then), so I'll just keep you in suspense until I decide to write again. Ben is currently asleep in the next room (he's been sleeping since I got home from work at's now 10:30) and I should probably check on him/put dinner away. Haha. Oh, husbands.