We spent Easter this year with Ben's family. Easter gets more entertaining each year because the kids get older and understand it a little better. The kids dyed Easter eggs, Ben & I hid the Easter candy, and we all found the "hidden" treats. Here are some pictures of the holiday.
Dying Easter eggs:
Sophia (apparently excited about it)
Tyler & Briana (cute face Briana)
The kids after they found all the candy:
(my favorite picture of Layla)
Tyler - always a good sport for my pictures
Sophia - too busy eating candy to smile for me
PS - Did you notice how much candy the kids had? We go all out for 3 kids, apparently.
(Technically there were 4 kids, but Joel doesn't count since he doesn't eat candy)
Others from the day:
The girls with our aprons that Kim made us
Briana & Joel
Some of the cute festive treats that were made (mostly by Kim - we helped a little)
It was a fun holiday. Some day, it will be our kids finding the eggs and eating candy like crazy. Until then, we just make sure the kids get their sugar high right as their leaving to go home =]