one picture that our photographer had online =]

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Here A Little..There A Little

So, summer has been way busy for us.  School, work, moving, wedding, engagements, birthdays, babies, it's like a never-ending continuum of busy.  I already put a few pictures up from this summer, so I thought I'd put just a few more.  With all the craziness, Ben & I were actually able to go on a real date!  Haha..we do things here and there, but I usually work Friday and Saturday nights, so it's never legit.  But we did get one in the midst of everything.  We went to eat, watched a movie (Harry Potter - Ben's choice) and walked around the shops at the Riverwoods.  Here's Ben at the sweetest (and most expensive) toy store.
We also went to up Logan for Ben's cousin, Taryn's, wedding.  I've never seen the Logan temple before and it's way cool.  It was awesome to be there for the sealing and be a part of their day.  Here's a picture of us and the couple - Taryn & Kylee.  They both looked great!
This summer we also said "Hello" and "Goodbye" to the Shadow.  It served us well (other than burning my leg), but it was time for Ben to move on to bigger and faster things (Yikes).  Here's a picture so we will never forget...
Also, Ben was able to host a dentist for the LDS Academy of Dentists.  He was lucky..the dentist he hosted was a sports dentist and he works for UCLA's sports teams.  I know..UCLA..but it's way cool nonetheless.  Ben got spoiled and went out to nice dinners with this guy for free (Thanks BYU).  But he WAS nice and brought me home some delicious desserts, so I wasn't too jealous.  
He totally rocks huh?

Well, all that's really left of this summer was our trip to California.  But I have lots of pictures from that, so I'll do that another time.  All in all - it was a good summer.  Now it's back to school, work and the craziness of fall - and I'm supposed to stay in shape?  Yikes.  Wish me luck!

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