one picture that our photographer had online =]

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So, remember how I told you I would put some pictures up?  Well here it goes!  I know I still have lots to catch up on, but these pictures made me laugh, so I wanted to put them up.
You may or may not know what this is. If you read my last post, you probably do. Anyways, this IS my ceiling with smoothie on it. Yes, apparently I have enough time to take a picture of it, but not to clean it. Oh well.
Remember how I'm so awesome and I made cupcakes for Ben's class?  Yeah, these are them.  Lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.  MINI lemon cupcakes!  Haha.  Aren't they cute?  And they were pretty good, if I say so myself.
On Saturday night, we went bowling with some friends (Christina, Spencer, Chris & Emily).  Yeah, we are legit and went to Miracle Bowl on State Street.  (For those of you who don't know, Miracle Bowl is pretty ghetto)  Anyways, it was really fun, despite the gross pizza-making lady (don't EVER eat that pizza).  And I totally beat Ben both games - I know, I'm awesome.  It's ok, because he's cute when he bowls...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

So Great.

So, I've learned a lot lately.  First off - sometimes, I really struggle.  Like for instance, Friday morning as I was trying to get ready for an appointment I had, I decided to make a smoothie - you know - so I can drink and get ready at the same time.  Good idea, right?  Well, it wasn't a good idea to use a spoon to try to mix it up, even though I PROMISE I wasn't even close to the mixing blades.  I guess "not even close" is too close, since the spoon shot out of my hand, and the blueberry smoothie got all over everything - including the counter, the floor, the wall, the ceiling, my hair and my face.  It was a mess.  I had to shower again (with having to be somewhere looking nice in 40 minutes - yikes).  There is still some smoothie on the ceiling because I can't reach it and I haven't had much time to try to climb up on the counter and get it off.  Oh, and the walls are kind of stained purple/blue right now, because I only had time to wipe it off quickly.  Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.

Oh don't worry.  I had another incident yesterday as well.  I know - I rock.  So, being the awesome wife I am, I was making cupcakes for Ben's class at church.  And I went all out.  I found good homemade recipes for both the cake and frosting and even borrowed a pan and decorating tip to make good looking mini cupcakes (thanks Brittany!).  Yes, you can admit to yourself how awesome I am.  Pretty dang awesome.  Anyways, so it's like midnight and I'm getting these cupcakes into the oven finally.  And when you make mini cupcakes - it's like 4 batches instead of 1 of the regular size - so the recipe I made ended up making enough for 4 dozen minis.  I know - intense right?  Well, getting batch 3 into the oven was obviously a difficult task for me, since I apparently didn't get it fully onto the rack and it decided to tip backwards and get all over the oven door.  Yes, so great.  Luckily, Ben is pretty awesome too, and came to help clean it up.  Well, he actually did pretty much all of the cleaning.  He sent me back to the cake mix to start prepping the next batch of cupcakes.  (Daily Sweet?  I think yes!)  He also made sure to give me some kind words of wisdom on how to handle the next batch of cupcakes.  So great.

So, as you can tell, I sometimes struggle.  And sometimes, I struggle a lot.  Like this weekend.  Haha.  But don't worry, there were plenty of cupcakes for Ben's class and for another class I went to, so it worked out.  There's probably still some cake mix in the oven, and there's definitely some smoothie around, but it's ok.  I'll get around to it sometime.

Another thing I learned is that if I stop asking for things, people are more willing to do things for me.  Mostly Ben.  I don't have to ask him 50 times to take the trash out.  If I ask once, he'll get to it, and he doesn't get annoyed with me.  It's a win-win.  And, if I'm not asking him to do a million things a million times, he's a little more appreciative of what I do.  Sometimes I act like he owes me for everything I do to help in order to make things even, but that's ridiculous.  Plus, I'd rather him be appreciative of the things I do, then feel like he's overwhelmed with the list of tasks I expect him to do in order to even out everything I do.  Man, how crazy am I?  K wait - I'm awesome remember?  Remember the whole cupcake thing?  Yeah, I'm awesome, ok!?

P.S. - Ben has has lots of daily sweets the past couple days.  I just keep forgetting/run out of time to put them all up here.  They include things like watching a dorky chick flick with me (without me even asking), visiting me at work, helping clean up, and just being cute overall.  I'm pretty lucky.

P.S.S. - I WILL put up some pictures soon.  I have some of my cupcakes and a few other things, so I'll put them up soon, hopefully!!  =]]

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Sweets

So, I'm a little late, but it's ok.  I still have some of these from the past couple days.  I know - I'm doing pretty good huh?  Impressive!  Go me!  Anyways....

So, Monday night, I was going to bed and I was FREEZING!  I was curled up in a ball, trying to warm myself up under the covers, but it was taking way longer than usual.  Ben, seeing that I was super cold, went and got another blanket for me and put it on top of me.  He even laid it out all nice on the bed and tried to get me warmer by a big hug/cuddle.  It was cute, and it totally worked.  I warmed up real quick after that.  I have such a sweet hubby.

Yesterday, Ben had a pre-dental club meeting where President Samuelson was speaking and pizza was being served.  Ben's in the club presidency, so he's kind of a big deal.  Anyways, a couple days before he invited me to come, which was nice.  I had planned on bringing the poster he forgot and the few other things he asked me to, then sitting in the back doing homework during the meeting (and of course indulging in the pizza once it was over).  But Ben had already saved me a spot in the front row next to him.  I know it's dorky, but it always makes me feel good when Ben does little things like that.  He kept putting his arm around me during the speaker and let me have my hand on his knee (I'm like obsessed with some sort of contact/touching and Ben usually hates it).  Yeah, he was being cute and not acting like the typical stressed out student he is, which was awesome for me and I loved it!  (Needless to say I didn't get my homework done yesterday, but that's OK - not due till tomorrow!)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Daily Sweet

So yesterday Ben killed a spider for me.  Not because I can't, but because I was being a wuss yesterday.  And instead of just making me do it for myself, he came over and killed it.  Oh the joys of having a husband.  I no longer have the be the"manly" one kills bugs.  And I think I like it.  Thanks Ben!

PS - School starts today.  It's been an amazing break of about 4 weeks.  Hopefully that means I'm rejuvenated enough to get back into school focused and ready to do well.  We'll see.  I have a big test today - and I'm sitting here writing on my blog.  Focused?  Yikes...

PSS - So I still need to do a post for the best of 2011.  It's just annoying because 2 computers I used in 2011 crashed, so it's not as simple to get pictures from last year.  But I will.  Don't worry.  You can see all the fun stuff that happened last year - and see how boring Ben and I are when we're in the midst of school.  So fun.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Daily Sweet

I really liked yesterday's sweet!  Ben texted me while I was at work (from 4-9 on a Saturday - yeah, no social life) and asked if I wanted to get some food after work.  Duh!  I always like eating out, but usually I'm the one who's bugging Ben about going to get food.  I stress out about dinner, so it's always better to just pick something up (which still doesn't happen too often).  Anyways, he picked In N Out - so yummy - and we actually ate there!  Most of the time, we both have so much crap going on, that it's best to just drive through and bring the food home, so we can get back to studying or whatever else we have going on.  But last night was special, I guess!  We had a little date at In N Out (and it was all Ben's idea - incredible!) Yeah, I know, we should go out more, but with me having work every Friday and Saturday night, it usually doesn't happen very much.  So last night was cute and it made a good end to the week - my final week of vacation.  Ughhhhhh! =]]

Friday, January 6, 2012

Daily Sweets

So the daily sweets from yesterday and today are pretty silly, but they count.  Haha.  So for those of you who know Ben, you know that he's incredibly sarcastic.  Even when he claims he's serious, he's always got that tinge of sarcasm to his voice, so you're never really sure if he's joking with you.  Luckily, this works for us - most of the time at least - haha.  Well yesterday, Ben gave me a sincere compliment.  Even though I tried to find the sarcasm in his voice, I couldn't!  He told me that I have been really good to him the past few days (with his school starting and life getting crazy again) and he was grateful.  I know - it's hard to imagine, but it happened!  And it was cute =]

Today, Ben actually let me take a nice nap.  Usually, if I try to take a nap with him around, he bugs me.  And I'm usually in a good mood and really patient with him - oh wait - that's a lie!  Yeah, I'm grumpy, he's annoying, and then we both end up mad.  It's a consistent pattern we have.  I like to call it love.  But anyways - TODAY he let me sleep in peace.  He came in only once and didn't keep waking me up even though I took like a 2 hour nap (which is such a waste of my day - haha).  It was amazing.  And I'm grateful for him being so nice to me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Daily Sweet

So, my daily sweet for today was something pretty small, but it was one to add to the list.  I was REALLY bored at work tonight, and of course, I started texting Ben random things to try to keep me busy.  Usually I get one word responses with the hidden message "leave me alone" or sometimes just a straight up "leave me alone" because he's in the middle of something (usually studying) and needs to focus.  But today he humored me and responded nicely, and even took care of a few things for me even though I know he was trying to study all night.  While this may be something small, it was sweet and made me feel good while I was stuck at work.  Definitely worth a daily sweet. =]

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"daily sweets"

I've decided to refer to my daily dose of cuteness from Ben as my "daily sweets."  Call it lame if you want, but I like it!  I forgot to do the one from yesterday, so I'll do 2 today.

So yesterday - the cute thing Ben did was clean up!  He totally cleaned out the study room- vacuuming and everything - while I was at work.   He even cleaned up some of my mess that has been there from one  of the many trips that we took in the past few weeks.  Yeah, it was dang nice to come home to an exceptionally clean room.

For today, Ben actually went grocery shopping with me.  And with minimal complaining!  He hates going with me to the grocery store, but today he went with.  I hate going by myself and having to make all of the decisions, and then come home and find out I got the wrong kind or forgot something.  It's super frustrating.  So it was really nice to have Ben with me to make some of those dumb decisions - like what kind of crackers to buy.  I get stressed out at the grocery store sometimes - I know - totally dumb.  But today was a lot easier being able to have Ben with me to make those decisions and get everything we need to have some decent food around here.  Yeah, pretty sweet of him. =]

Monday, January 2, 2012


I've been thinking a lot about New Years Resolutions - debating whether it's really worth it to make some and if I can really make and keep goals for an entire year.  I decided it's worth it to at least try - so that's what I'll do.  I'm making just a few so I don't overwhelm myself and get frustrated by the end of January.  I'm in the midst of finalizing these resolutions, but here are some of my ideas.

One will deal with getting in the best shape of my life (and maintaining it).  I will probably find my motivation through some of our wedding pictures.  I can definitely see the difference a year and a half can make!  Haha!  Details will be written and put up on my wall as soon as I figure out what will allow this to happen, so I can realistically be in shape and feeling good.

Another will deal with church, and the responsibilities/privileges I have regarding that.  More temple trips, consistent scripture reading & daily prayers will be a part of the improved New Year and these resolutions that I'll make.

Lastly - and this is my favorite - I'm going to try to write down one sweet thing each day that Ben does for me.  Now, I know the whole daily thing will be a little out of the question, since there are some days that Ben & I barely see each other - plus I'm a really bad noticer (is that even a word?), but I'll try.  Anyways, I want to have some record of the wonderful, simple things that my amazing husband does for me each day, so for the days when he's super annoying, I will have something to look at that will help me focus on the good in him. =]  I'm hoping this will help me notice the little things better, and help me find motivation and desire to be a better wife.  And I'm going to try to post them here, since I spend way too much time on the computer already - I might make myself more useful on this thing.  And maybe it'll motivate someone else to do the same!

I'll start with one today..

So, Ben & I both rarely have the opportunity to sleep in without any obligations that we have to get to.  With work, school, and everything else going on, one or both of us are usually up and at it each morning (and most of the time out of the door without ever seeing each other).  Well, this morning was the lucky exception.  Being at Ben's parents' house, and not having to be anywhere until 1:00, we were both able to enjoy sleeping in.  Ben, being the cute husband he is, cuddled with me all morning while we were both in and out of sleep.  Now you may think this is no big deal, but for those of you who know Ben, you know that he is NOT a cuddler.  So, for the 1st day of the year, Ben's cute moment was when he cuddled with me all morning.  I'd say it was a good start to 2012. =]

(Bear with me for anything I may put in the future as part of this resolution.  Sometimes I have to take what I can get from my crazy, goofy husband.)